Thursday, May 14, 2009

Papi がんばって!

Papi was only a Lady for about a month and a half, but he was my lucky #7 draft pick and it made me sad to see him do so poorly today. You KNOW he feels awful. I don't want Boston to win the AL East, but more than that, I don't want Tampa to win the AL East. And most of all, I don't want Papi to get put to pasture. Rally, Papi! I support you.


  1. Joe, can you read the title of this post?

  2. ganbatte?

    my first guess for meaning would be
    second guess would be
    some more general expression of sorrow
    final guess would be
    breakfast time

  3. personally
    i blame bostons ugly new jerseys for papis slump

  4. I'm sorry to have doubted your Japanese skills from a whopping 6-credit introductory class. I think I thought your reading skills were limited to your speaking skills, which I know is rather confined, to "I am eating breakfast."

    I think the rough translation is "YOU CAN DO IT!" though I'm not sure what Jenni had in mind exactly.

  5. actually the 6 credit introductory class was worthless to me

    my ability to read hiragana/katakana solely stems from some freeware game i found online sometime after madison
    ripoff of nes dragon quest/warrior

    where to attack enemy you have to type in the characters that appear on screen
    and if you dont play every day the inn charges you extra money
    but since the learning was hidden in video game form
    it was appealing to me
    i stopped playing though once kanji appeared
    thats too nuts for me

  6. actually the class wasnt completely worthless
    of the handful of brief phrases i can speak
    id say half i learned from the class
    and the rest i learned from taiko games

  7. I was notified by the Moral Police Mordecai that the last sentence of my last comment could be read as potentially rude--"though I'm not sure what Jenni had in mind exactly"--so I just want to clarify that I didn't know what literal translation Jenni was thinking of herself. It did occur to me at the time I hit "Post Comment" that I really ought to know, verbatim, what Jenni had in mind, because twins are often known to do supernatural things like that.
