Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photos of the Day: 5/19/2009

Yankees manager Joe Girardi warms up...I am officially scared of this man.

Captain Jeter checks on the SwishHawk. I like how Jeter wears his hat, very leader-like. Actually this photo gets better every time I look at it.

Cantu can't believe they lost to the Diamondbacks. You still have a huge fan in Chicago, Jorgie!!!

Look at Prince's jersey. Down to his KNEES! Everyone else's is down to their middle thighs!

The Mariners preach to the children. Lookit Griffey cracking up--Ichiro must be talking some universe business about not doing drugs, valuing education, acheiving dreams, and whatever else the caption said.


  1. Griffey is like, "I have NO IDEA what's happening right now," and Ichiro is like, "Yeah, me neither."

  2. Also, am I the only one who thinks that Jeter looks like Charlie Brown / some other minor character from Peanuts? Don't care. I LOVE HIM.

  3. They do share that same cap-perched-on-head look. Very observant. The picture here seems to illustrate it well. I found the additional information on his team pretty interesting as well:
